Tuesday, April 2, 2019
The General Adaptation Syndrome Psychology Essay
The General Adaptation Syndrome Psychology Essay prove is inescapably present in the lives of every living organism. While some filtrate fanny be beneficial, excessively much of it is al just about always disadvantageous. often prison terminals the word filter is use to describe the imposition of an undesirable mental or physical state through un dominancelable or consuming circumstances. We tend to think of vehemence as a burden that we expatriate around with us. One individual might perceive that they ar chthonic an enormous amount of focal point because of four-fold impending deadlines, slice other might feel tuneed out because their house is not modify and unexpected guests ar on their way. Despite the predominantly negative definition above, tense itself is not necessarily bad. In fact, variant is an adaptive change without which our survival would be seriously compromised. Moderate emphasize mickle rase collapse beneficial cause, much(prenominal) a s improving cognitive help to facilitate meeting multiple deadlines and accession energy supply to go throughs to right away clean the entire house in a matter of legal proceeding. However, too much or prolonged accent mark fuel issuing in a variety of detrimental personal effects on some(prenominal) physiological move and cognitive processes.DefinitionIn order to properly run into the effects of strain on cognition, as measured by act in a variety of mazes, we must jump come to an reason of what underscore is. At its core, try on is can be defined as the chemical reaction to a menace (or sensed little terror) against homeostasis, the tendency of a clay to maintain a stable subjective environment. Living organisms, including populace and gnawers, atomic number 18 dissonant ashess which bet to maintain homeostasis despite being constantly bombarded by numerous external environmental insults.HomeostasisThe concept of homeostasis was initially conceived b y the cut physiologist Claude Bernard in1854. He employ the term milieu intrierur to describe the energy of the internal environment (primarily the blood in Bernards judgment of conviction) of the personate to compensate for and re-equilibrate in result to the external environment 1,2. However, it was Walter shank who experienceed the concept of homeostasis. He pro make up up that the body maintained steady state conditions through multiple cooperative self-moving mechanisms. One phenomenon observed by waist was that organisms respond to a threat by releasing epinephrine (aka suprargonnal glandine) from the adrenal gland electric-light bulb thereby increasing the bodys union rate, respiration, and blood pressure while mobilizing glucose stores and inhibiting non-essential functions such(prenominal) as digestion and reproduction. This phenomenon is the prototypal sympathetic nervous scheme (a branch of the autonomic nervous system) receipt, for which carom coined the term fight-or-flight reaction 3. Simply put, when confronted with a threat, an organism, through the narrowing of corporate functions and mobilization of available energy, is primed to respond supplely, wh vinyl ether through fleeing or fighting. Thus, the autochthonic contri bargonlyion of Walter Cannon to the definition of underline was that in response to an environmental insult threatening the internal steady stated, the body lead ups the sympathetic response to maintain homeostasis and finally increase survival.General Adaptation SyndromeThe second major contri neverthelessor to tune research was endocrinologist Hans Selye. Selye was working to discover a refreshful horm adept by injecting ovarian extracts in to rats and observing the physiological effects. He far-famed some(prenominal) changes after injection of this extract, including the 1) enlargement of the adrenal gland, 2) the wither of the thymus and lymph nodes and 3) the presence of gastric ulcers 4. W hile he initially conceit these effects were direct effects of a novel hormone, through supererogatory control experiments he discovered that the injection of numerous agents, physical harm or even excessive exercise produced the same reliable effects 5. Emphasizing the non-specificity of this response, Selye called these effects the General Adaptation Syndrome initially and later used the term stress to describe it. He hike defined stressors as the factors or agents that triggered the stress response. In addition, Selye established the role of glucocorticoids, steroid hormones excreted from the adrenal cortex, in the stress response. Furthermore, Selye expound that prolonged word- troubleting to stressors (and the stress response) can lead to illness or disease.SummaryThe combined work of Walter Cannon and Hans Selye formed the basis of stress research. two agreed that when confronted with disruptive environmental factors, the body generated an adaptive response aimed at re- establishing homeostasis at bottom the internal environment. Cannon focused on the sympathetic branch of this response, while Selye focused on the hormonal (i.e., endocrine) branch of this response. Modern thinking has modified the conceptualization of stress, as it move out to be not quite as elementary as originally thought. Importantly it is no longer thought that stress is non-specific as the magnitude and more subtle characteristics of the stress response are varied based on the type of stressor, the individuals perception of the stress and ability to cope. The look outing basic features of stress can be gleaned from this historical workStressors are any event, experience or environmental insult that threatens or is perceived to threaten homeostasisStress is an adaptive response to re-establish and maintain homeostasisStress is ultimately middle(a)d by two branchesThe sympathetic nervous system via squirt of epinephrine from the adrenal medullaThe endocrine system via re lease of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortexThese definitions and characteristics are more conducive to scientific get hold of than the layman use of the term stress which does not distinguish surrounded by the trigger and the response, as described in the opening of this section. Thus, the definitions above go out be utilized in the fol first gearing sections. This chapter depart advertize develop these basic concepts and present 1) an overview of the stress response, 2) descriptions of the incompatible types of stressors, 3) the effects of two sharp and chronic stress on learning and fund and 4) practical elaborate on how to deal with the nuances of stress in behavioral testing.THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ACUTE latent hostility RESPONSEWhen a stressor is encountered, the header triggers a physiological response, aimed at grapple with the stressor and restoring homeostasis 6. This response is governed by the hypothalamic- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) bloc and the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). two of these systems are always promptly eng ancient in maintaining homeostasis, but when posed with a disruption to an organisms internal environment, the HPA axis of rotation and SNS go into overdrive. When stressors are encountered several central nervous system (CNS) structures are activated to initiate the stress response, including the preganglionic sympathetic neurons of the spinal cord in addition to several brain stem and limbic forebrain structures 7. These structures then recruit neural and neuroendocrine systems to initiate a stress response, culminating with the secretion of adrenal glucocorticoids (GCs) and epinephrine, the principle mediators of this adaptive response.The harmonized Nervous SystemTwo primary pathways are activated by stressors within the SNS, the brain norepinephrine neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) and the sympathetic adrenomedullary circuitry. Many, but not all stressors result in norepinephrine release from the LC, wh ich ultimately contributes to the majority of circulating NE levels as comfortably as numerous adaptive behaviors 8,9. Activation of the sympathetic adrenomedullary circuitry via preganglionic neurons results in the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) onto postganglionic neurons and the adrenal medulla. Sympathetic postganglionic neurons primarily release of norepinephrine in a flash onto various sharpen organs. On the other hand, activation of the adrenal medulla results in the synthesis and release of epinephrine into the circulation and indirectly onto target organs. tush organs activated by these catecholamines neurotransmitters correspond directly to the symptoms of the fight-or-flight response, including change magnitude heart rate, blood pressure and respiration, pupil dilation, and inhibition of digestion, liver, kidney and gall bladder function.The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis of rotation (Figure 1 HPA axis from Lupien 2009 Review)The present chapter will focus on the endocrine branch of the stress response. While the activation of the sympathetic nervous system is a key part of stress, many of the effects of stress on learning and computer storage have been translaten to be dependent on GCs. The secretion of adrenal GC hormones is under the stimulatory drive of the medial parvocellular neurons in the paraventricular cell nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus. In response to stressors, brainstem and limbic forebrain regions activate these neurons to free corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and vasopressin into the hypophysial circulation to stimulate the antecedent pituitary to release adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) into the peripheral circulation which ultimately results in the release of GCs from the adrenal gland 10. GCs are carried to every organ via the circulation to throw overboard for a coordinated adaptive response between the brain and sensible functions. GCs mobilize energy, suppress immune and inflammatory responses, inhibit bone and muscle growth and reproductive function as come up as increase attention and impact learning and memory processes 11. GCs similarly regulate further CRH and ACTH release via negative feedback loops by binding receptors in the pituitary, PVN, genus Hippocampus (HPC) and prefrontal cortex (perfluorocarbon) to inhibit further GC release and to repay the homeostatic balance of the HPA axis 10 (Fig. 1). While these are the primary targets of GCs, most every neuron in the brain has receptors for these hormones. Thus, GCs are an important enabler of shape brain function in addition to their role in HPA axis function.Corticosterone (CORT), the primary GC in the rat, is the ligand for the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), steroid hormone receptors that function as transcription factors and regulate neuronal gene transcription. GR and MR have different affinities for CORT in the brain. GRs are expressed ubiquito usly in the brain, and are most concentrated in the CRH neurons of the PVN and ACTH releasing neurons in the anterior pituitary and besides in the HPC 10. The highest expression of MRs in the brain is in the HPC, though they are expressed in other forebrain regions 10. MRs are perfect(a) by modest levels of CORT, such as those generated during circadian oscillations, and thus mediate nonchalant changes in HPA axis military action. On the other hand, GRs are virtuous by more extreme levels of CORT, such as those seen following(a) a stressful experience, and mediate negative feedback to restore homeostasis 12,10.Time Course of the lancinate Stress Response (Figure 2 inception and fall of CORT)The typical stress response begins within a very perfectly pointedness of time. The SNS response occurs more rapidly than the HPA axis response, due to direct neurotransmitter release on target tissues vs. indirect hormonal release into the circulation, respectively. Within seconds, the post-ganglionic neurons of the SNS release norepinephrine and the adrenal medulla releases epinephrine into circulation. Also within seconds, CRH is released from the PVN of the hypothalamus, followed quickly by the release of ACTH into peripheral circulation from the anterior pituitary 13. Within 3-5 minutes, the adrenal cortex releases CORT into the circulation, by which time natural elevation plasma ACTH levels are reached. While peak levels of GCs vary according to stressor type and duration, circulating CORT levels typically reach peak levels15-30 minutes after stressor introduction 14. At this time ACTH levels have also returned to baseline 14. However, the effects of GCs on target tissues do not occur until about an hour after stressor initiation 13. After peak CORT levels are reached, negative feedback mechanisms shut down further CORT secretion so that circulating CORT levels recover to near baseline levels within 60-120 minutes after stressor initiation 15,14. The tim e required to reach baseline levels also varies depending on stressor type and duration. Circulating levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine follow a similar trajectory, but with more rapid increases and decreases 16.Biological Rhythms plasma levels of CORT are not static, but follow a circadian unit of ammunition that is closely aligned with the sleep-wake cycles. In both humans and rodents, plasma GCs rise as the sleep cycle (inactive variant) ends and peaks upon waking up. From this peak, GC levels fall during the active phase and eventually reach the circadian trough or nadir (the lowest point in the cycle) 17,18. However, as nocturnal animals, the active phase for rodents is during the dark period and the inactive phase occurs during the light period. Thus, in laboratory animals, peak CORT levels are found just after the lights are turned off and nadir CORT levels are measured when the lights are turned on. In addition, within this circadian cadence GCs are released in an ultradian (cycles repeated within the 24 hour period) pulsatile pattern which rises and falls according to the circadian rhythm 19. Basal levels of CORT measured in rats can typically range from 0-200 ng/mL in openhanded male rats or 100-500 ng/mL in adult female rats 18. In response to groovy stressors, peak stress levels of CORT world-widely range from 200-600 ng/mL in adult male rats and 500-1000 ng/mL in adult female rats. Both primary and peak stress levels of CORT can vary depending on the ingest time within the circadian rhythm.Sex, Age and tense DifferencesAs noted above, sex differences in HPA axis activity and responses to needlelike stressors are well documented. Female rodents exhibit higher ultra and stress defecated levels of both ACTH and CORT 20,21. Sex differences in CORT secretion are primarily mediate by oestrogen, with higher levels of ACTH and CORT found during proestrus, when circulating levels of estrogen are high 20,18. Much of the research on gona dal steroid decree of the HPA axis suggests that estrogen has excitatory effects while androgens have restrictive effects 22-26. In addition, females have higher levels of corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG), which partly buffers the higher levels of CORT 27,24. CBG binds circulating CORT and renders it biologically inactive 28,29. However, CBG levels take several hours to increase after movie to a stressor, resulting in higher levels of biologically active CORT in females in response to stressors 30.Acute stress responses can also vary across the lifespan. After birth, from day 2 to 14, rats experience a stress hyporesponsive period (SHRP) wherein circulating basal CORT remain very low and neonatal pups fail to specify an elevation in CORT in response to stress or ACTH administration31-33. Adolescence is the next victimizational epoch, which involves three stages pre-pubescence/ beforehand(predicate) adolescence (21-34 days), mid-adolescence (34-46 days) and late adolescen ce (46-59 days) 34,35. During early adolescence, rats exhibit an exaggerated HPA axis response to both acute and chronic stress compared to adults 36,37. In addition, sex differences in HPA axis function mature over the girlish period 38,39. The acute stress response has also been investigated in aging animals, though a capital deal of heterogeneity, particularly with respect to the aging model has been found 40. However, the general consensus, based on preceding studies, is that fourth-year animals exhibit elevated baseline (or basal) CORT and a prolonged stress-induced elevation in CORT release, possibly due to lessen GR-mediated negative feedback 41,42. It should also be noted that aging is associated with increased divergence in the acute stress response 40. Sex differences in acute HPA axis responses are not frequently examined in aged rats. However, since estrogen decreases with age, and males ground increased basal CORT, it would be expected that sex differences would reach less robust 43,44Robust strain differences in both basal and peak stress levels of CORT also exist. In general, the in bred Fischer 344 (F344) strain of rats unblock higher levels of both basal and stress induced CORT levels compared to both the intrinsic Lewis (LEW) strain and the outbred Sprague Dawley (SD) strain (Dhabar 1993). Interestingly, both F344 and SD rats charge increased basal CORT levels at the end of the inactive period, while LEW rats did not show a robust circadian rhythm (Dhabar 1993). As mentioned above, strain differences can also interact with age differences to further complicate the picture of a design HPA axis stress response across the lifespan.CHRONIC STRESS moving-picture show to chronic stress can result in long term elevations in GCs and has been shown to alter the structure and function of the brain regions involved in regulating the HPA axis as well as learning and memory and numerous other behaviors 7. Two general responses in HPA axis fun ction occur as a result of chronic stress, namely dependance and sensitization. Habituation typically occurs following repeated motion picture to the same (homotypic) wacky stressor, with the magnitude of the HPA axis response (i.e. CORT secretion) diminishing with each subsequent vulnerability to the stressor 45,46. On the other hand, repeated exposure to different (heterotypic) and aleatory stressors can diminish the habituation of the HPA axis response 47-49. Interestingly, both chronic homotypic and heterotypic unpredictable stressors cause sensitization of the HPA axis response to a novel stressor, resulting in increased ACTH and CORT secretion 45,48.The most frequently studied brain regions that are vulnerable to chronic stress are the HPC, amygdala (AMG) and PFC 50. In both the HPC and PFC, chronic constraint stress results in dendritic atrophy and decreased GR expression, which facilitates decreased HPA axis feedback and muffed memory 51-54,7. In addition, chronic st ress can also lead to altered hippocampal excitability, neurochemistry and neurogenesis (refs from Conrad 2010 suss out if needed?). On the other hand, chronic stress causes dendritic hypertrophy and increased CRH expression in the AMG as well as dendritic hypertrophy in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS), which facilitate HPA axis excitability and disturbance and habitual behavior, respectively 7,55-58.Sex, Age and Strain DifferencesSex differences in response to chronic stress exposure are less frequently examined. The above-named effects are well documented in males. However, chronic stress does not protrude to have the same effects in females. For example, females appear to be resilient against chronic stress induced dendritic atrophy in the HPC and spatial memory impairments 59-63. In the PFC, females exhibit dendritic hypertrophy, whereas males demonstrate dendritic atrophy in response to repeated stress exposure 64. In addition, chronic stress is associated with sex-specific PFC-mediated behavioral effects. chronically stressed males show impairments in recall of awe extinction, possibly reflecting decreased behavioral tractability 65-67. However, chronically stressed females demonstrate impaired memory for the acquisition of precaution conditioning, which is more dependent on the AMG 68-70. Interestingly, males show dendritic hypertrophy and increased activation of the AMG and an associated increase in the acquisition of fear conditioning following chronic stress 67. Thus, in females, chronic stress causes more reclaim morphological and behavioral way outs that may be related to sex-specific changes in AMG function.inveterate stress also has differential effects across the lifespan. In general, earlier exposure to chronic stress (i.e. prenatal and neonatal) have protracted and permanent effects compared to adult chronic stress. Exposing pregnant rat dams to chronic stress increases circulating CORT which crosses through the ordinatenta and re aches the developing fetus to alter brain development and HPA axis activity 71. The long-term effects of prenatal stress allow in increased basal and stress induced CORT secretion as well as learning impairments, increased anxiety- and depression-like behaviors and sensitivity to drugs of abuse 72,73. Postnatal stress is typically induced by disrupting the maternal-pup interactions (i.e., maternal separation or daily handling of pups). The long-term effects of early postnatal stress entangle altered anxiety-like behavior and stress-induced HPA axis activity in adulthood though the direction of these effects are varied and highly dependent on the age of the pup, as well as the type and duration of the manipulations 72,74,75. inveterate adolescent stress can result in enduring effects in adulthood, including decreased hippocampal volume, impaired spatial learning, and increased anxiety-like behavior adulthood 76-79. However, there is less evidence for adolescent stress exposure to result in depressive behaviors in adulthood 80,81. Studies of long digesting effects of adolescent stress exposure on HPA axis function are mixed, while most report no effect on basal or stress-induced CORT or ACTH secretion, some studies find increased basal and stress induced CORT secretion in adulthood 82,78,76,83,84. chronic stress exposure during adolescence can lead to long term behavioral and neuroendocrine effects, depending on the timing of exposure, the sex of the animal and the type of stressors used 82,84,85. In aged animals, chronic stress has differential effects compared to young or middle-aged adult rats. For example, following 3 weeks of chronic restraint stress in aged males and females, stress-induced sex differences were no longer evident on spatial and non-spatial memory tasks and chronic stress both facilitated or did not impair performance in aged male rats 86,87. In addition, in aged animals sex-specific effects of chronic stress are reversed 86,87. Furthe rmore, chronic stress in aged rats may potentiate stress-induced neurotoxicity, particularly in the HPC 72,88.Strain differences are also noted in the effects of chronic stress. Interestingly, and in line with acute stress strain differences, the inbred F344 strain do not demonstrate habituation of the plasma CORT response to chronic stress with a repeated homotypic stressor, while SD and LEW rat strains do 46. F344, but not SD and LEW, rats also exhibit adrenal gland hypertrophy after 3 sessions of restraint over 10 days 46. F344 rats also exhibit a lack of HPA axis habituation following 14 days of restraint compared to SD rats 89. Consistent with these findings, robust differences between SD and LEW rats were not found in either male or female rats in HPA axis response to an acute stressor after chronic exposure to unpredictable heteroptyic stressors 90.TYPES OF STRESSORSAcute Stressors (Figure 3 Equipment/Stressors)In addition to being a threat against homeostasis, stressors can be described as any event or environment that is novel, unpredictable, poses a threat to well-being or ego, or creates a sense of loss of control (Lupien 2007). Acute stressors are stressors which occur on a single role with varying durations. typically acute stressors last anywhere from 5 minutes to upwards of 6 hours, but in general for a period of time less than 24 hours. Acute stressors of longer durations are sometimes referred to as single prolonged stressors. Essentially the purpose of an acute stressor is for the data-based subject to mount a single stress response, or activation of the HPA axis. There are many different types of stressors and categorization of these stressors is attempted by many, though not all stress researchers agree. Stressors can vary in the type of perceived stress such as physical or psychological (or some combination of the two) as well as moth-eatenness and duration. Depending on the type of stressor used, differential effects on the HPA axis an d SNS responses will occur.Physical stressors are stressors that are predominantly identified or perceived through the senses or involuntary (autonomic) mechanisms. Examples of physical stressors accept extreme temperatures, loud noise, chemical exposure, extreme activity, metabolic or immune system disruptions, leech and pain. The most extreme physical stressors are necessarily limited to short durations due to discomfort. Many physical stressors can be administered in multiple ways or in combination with other stressors. To manipulate temperature, rodent subjects can be place in a standard heatless room (4-6C) or a hot room (30-40C) or in cold (18-20C) or hot water (25-35C) as part of a forced swim stressor (forced exercise) 91-93. Loud noises stressors are most effective at a range of 90-110 dB 94. Chemical stressors take exposure to ether vapors, hypoxic conditions, and injection of formalin or other noxious substances 93,95. Stressors involving extreme activity include forc ed swim and on the opposite end of the spectrum, immobilization, wherein the subject is splayed out on a board with all its limbs and head secured to interrupt movement. Metabolic disruptions can include fasting or food restriction, injections of insulin to induce hypoglycemia or lipopolysaccharide to induce an immune reaction. Hemorrhage or hypovolaemia is induced by removing a percentage of blood volume with a moderate hemorrhage consisting of removal of 20% estimated blood volume 96. Finally, pain can be induced via numerous methods. Frequently used stressors include track pinch with clothespins or hemostats. Another common stressor associated with pain is diffuse (Psychological stressors are perceived threats against homeostasis or well-being. Important qualities of psychological stressors include loss of control, unpredictability and novelty. Identification of psychological stressors can also be experience or species dependent, in that the anticipation of the event itself ca n be a stressor, even in the absence of the actual event. Psychological stressors may also induce fear, anxiety or other behavioral changes. The effectiveness of psychological stressors is primarily under the control of limbic brain regions such as the HPC, AMG and PFC 7. Several types of psychological stressors are used, including those that activate native and species-specific behaviors and fear, inescapable/uncontrollable stressors, and social stressors. Activation of innate fear (based on a threat to safety/survival) in rodents can be action with exposure to a predator (i.e. a cat or snake) or to a novel or unfamiliar environments particularly those with are open and brightly lit (i.e. open field or elevated incontrovertible maze). Inescapable and uncontrollable stressors include inescapable foot or tail shock, forced swim and restraint. Rodent restraint is the most frequently used and well-documented stressor. It can also be combined with other physical stressors such as be ing placed in a rotating platform or in combination with tail pinch. Interestingly, even animal handling can be categorized as this type a stressor.Social stressors make up their own entire subcategory. Many researchers believe that social stressors are the most translationally relevant because the primary source of stress in humans comes from social interactions, expectations and even trauma. Rats are by nature social animals, but too much or too little can suggest a stress response. Two of the least effortful social stressors are isolation ho exploitation and high density housing (i.e. crowding). Interestingly males show a greater stress response to crowding while females show a greater stress response to single (i.e. isolation) housing 98. A popular social stressor is social defeat, utilizing the occupant intruder paradigm. This paradigm consists of using aggressive male rats (i.e. retired breeders or reared in isolation without handling) as the resident rat. The experimental r at (i.e. the one which will mount a stress response) is the intruder and is placed in the home cage of the resident rat. Typically the rats are allowed contact with each other until the intruder demonstrates defeat behaviors (i.e. pliant supine posturing). In one modification of this paradigm, the intruder remains in the home cage of the resident rat but is separated, and therefore protect from physical harm, by a wire mesh enclosure 99,100. A novel socially based stressor that is less labor intensive is to place a male rat in the dirty cage of another(prenominal) male rat. Thus the male rat is in an inescapable rule of another male rat, without physical contact 101. degenerative Stress ParadigmsChronic stress is prolonged stress that typically occurs for at least 5 days, typically 1-3 weeks and sometimes up to 6 weeks or more. Many different types of chronic stress paradigms can be used, depending on the desired outcome measures. An additional inconstant to consider with chronic stress paradigms is the likelihood of habituation of the stress response over time, as mentioned above. Examples of chronic stress paradigms include chronic restraint, chronic mild stress, chronic unpredictable stress, chronic covariant stress, chronic social stress, and chronic intermittent stress.Chronic restraint stress and chronic mild stress have historically been the most frequently used chronic stress paradigms. Interestingly, these paradigms have different phenotypic outcomes. Chronic restraint stress is frequently carried out with daily 6 hour restraint sessions for 3 weeks (Conrad XXXX). However, because chronic restraint stress is repeated exposure to a single homotypic stressor, habituation of the stress response after the first few days likely occurs as evidenced by blunted CORT and ACTH release in response to restraint following fulfilment of the chronic restraint paradigm 102,103. This paradigm is well characterized with regard to spatial learning and memory defic its as well as altered dendritic morphology, particularly dendritic retraction in the hippocampus 104. Interestingly, spontaneous convalescence of both altered dendritic morphology and spatial learning and memory deficits has been observed 105. Chronic restraint stress also alters anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors, impairs response inhibition, facilitates fear learning and reduces motivation for food reward 106-108,53Chronic mild stress (CMS) is typically used to induce an anhedonic (i.e. depressive-like) phenotype 109. This paradigm typically involves exposure of the subjects to one mild stressor a day, typically for 6-8 weeks 109,110. Stressors are administered on a restore weekly schedule and include wet bedding, cage tilt, mild footshock, alterations in the light-dark cycle, food/water deprivation and cage changes 109,110. Anhedonic effects of CMS, which can last up to 3 months, include decreased sucrose consumption, increased door for intracranial self-stimulation and d ecreased locomotor activity in the absence an anxiety-like phenotype 109. Chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) is essentially an iteration of CMS, which lasts for a shorter period of time (2 weeks) and presents mild to moderate stressors once a day in a more randomized order and time of day 111,112. Depressive-like phenotypes are seen after CUS exposure in addition to anxiety-like phenotypes and cognitive deficits 112,91. Chronic variable stress (CVS) is yet another more severe iteration of a repeated administration of heterotypic stressors. More recently, CVS paradigms have differentiated themselves from CMS paradig
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